Friday, May 14, 2010

World Championships

Okay, so the world Championships of Hockey are underway. Sadly the US seems to be struggling to win even A game. This is surprising given the caliber of talent they have on the team. I don't understand why players like Stastney and Miller aren't on the team. I understand why Pavelski isn't there, but the others aren't still in the playoffs, and therefore should be able to play... right? So why does the US team appear to be a bunch of D listers? I thought having Sacco as head coach was a good sign given the turnaround in Colorado. But the product in the WC is awful. Even team Canada looks sad. Loosing to the Swiss!?! Really!?! Doesn't make much sense.

On a side note, it would be nice to see some of that WC play on TV here in the States. I know it's not the playoffs, and the US is doing poorly, but I can't help wanting to support the home team. Even if I'm second guessing every play and yelling at the TV.

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