Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dundalk Ice Dome Closes

So I read online last evening that the Dundalk Ice Dome is closed for "Technical Difficulties." I suppose that means there's a problem with the ice. I can only guess, as the article was very short. This however would not normally be a big deal for me, living in Colorado. But it so happens that this weekend I'm leaving to go to Ireland for a visit. During this time I had planned to check out the Ice Dome and hopefully catch a hockey game or get to skate myself. Though I still intend to go, on the off chance that it is open, I'm bummed at the potential for it to be unavailable.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Damn it's been a long time.

So I started this blog as a requirement for a school project. I thought it was a moderately interesting, and easy to accomplish idea for an assignment. But I think I may actually want to keep this going. So I'm gonna make every effort to get on here frequently and jot down thoughts about the current state of hockey in the world.

It would be cool if someone was atually reading it. But on a side note, since it's relatively unknown, I could post whatever I wanted to and blow off some steam in a theraputic sort of way.

World Championships

Okay, so the world Championships of Hockey are underway. Sadly the US seems to be struggling to win even A game. This is surprising given the caliber of talent they have on the team. I don't understand why players like Stastney and Miller aren't on the team. I understand why Pavelski isn't there, but the others aren't still in the playoffs, and therefore should be able to play... right? So why does the US team appear to be a bunch of D listers? I thought having Sacco as head coach was a good sign given the turnaround in Colorado. But the product in the WC is awful. Even team Canada looks sad. Loosing to the Swiss!?! Really!?! Doesn't make much sense.

On a side note, it would be nice to see some of that WC play on TV here in the States. I know it's not the playoffs, and the US is doing poorly, but I can't help wanting to support the home team. Even if I'm second guessing every play and yelling at the TV.